Air Fryer Grilled Cheese Hot Dogs

This air fryer hot dog melt is a delicious meal that is hearty and incredibly easy to make. The combination of a sliced hot dog and melted cheese served on top of crispy bread creates an irresistible grilled cheese dog.



  • Hot dog: Evenly cut into 3 slices
  • Bread slice: Go for a hearty and robust loaf such as sourdough or rye. These types of bread offer a sturdy flavor and a thicker texture that will stand up well to air-frying. If you’re in the mood for something a bit sweeter, use challah or brioche instead. This will give your sandwich an elevated sweetness yet still perfectly balanced with all your desired fillings.
  • Mayo: Spread a thin layer on a slice of bread.
  • Vegetables: Feel free to add any veggies of your choice. I chose the air fried peppers and onions. You can also add mushrooms or sauteed onions instead.
  • Cheese: Provolone and mozzarella are great options to pair with any type of filling. If you want something a bit more bold, try Swiss or cheddar – they will both deliver a cheesy punch but won’t overpower the other ingredients in your sandwich.


  1. Preheat your air fryer to 375F (190° C)
  2. Cut hot dog into 3 even slices lengtwise
  3. Spread mayo on top of the bread slice
  4. Lay hot dog slices on top of the bread
  5. Add veggies or any other toppings you choose
  6. Lay a large piece of cheese on top. I chose Provolone
  7. Place your assembled sandwich directly onto air fryer basket or tray.
  8. Air fry for 4 minutes or until che cheese is bubbly and caramelized to your liking.



  1. Use shredded cheese instead.
  2. Heat the sandwich for a minute on a “toast”, “bake” or “roast” mode. This will ensure that the cheese begins to melt and will become heavy enough to weigh itself down. Then proceed with air fry mode as per directions.
  3. Place a rack over your sandwich to stop the toppings from flying around.
  4. Use the bake option instead of the air fry option.
  5. Use the toothpicks to stop the cheese from flying off. Make sure you insert them through the cheese into the bread.
  6. Make sure your air fryer is pre-heated. A hot interior of the air fryer helps the cheese to start to melt more quickly.

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